In this paper a description of coupled modeling system, CAMx and WRF, applied on a real situation of dispersion of SO2 pollution in the time period 10.02. - 20.02.2008, was given. WRF model was used to provide a 3D meteorological data as an input for CAMx model. Stationary emission sources from the industrial zone of the city of Sisak and other stationary sources from the Sisačko-moslavačka county, together with the grid surface emission field from EMEP model, were set as an emission input data for CAMx model. Results given by CAMx model were compared with the air quality data measured from the monitoring stations, Sisak-1 and Kutina-1. The comparison of results on Kutina-1 station demonstrates the importance of wind in the dispersion of pollution. The comparison on Sisak-1 station displays an acceptable agreement only on the daily scale. Varying with chimney parameters in simulations - height, diameter, and gas exhaust parameters, temperature and speed, led to conclusion that these parameters are very important for accuracy of results in the area surrounding pollution sources. The verification of results shows that for a better description of pollution dispersion, along with quality meteorological background, all parameters mentioned, with correct emission rates, are necessary